Seven years ago, you took your first breath...
...And my world hasn't been the same since.
It seems like I blinked and you were already walking and talking.
Pretty soon, you were a year old.
As the years flew by, time seemed to pick up speed as if it were a ball rolling down a steep hill.
One... |
Two... |
Three... |
Four... |
Five... |
Six... |
Seven... |
Wow. It's a little hard to breathe, give me a minute.
My sweet baby girl is seven. The angriest of midgets, is almost a second grader.
I am so proud of the person you are and I need to tell you that more often. You are so grown up and capable of so much. I see your endless energy and potential every time I look at you, and I see your vast ability to love everyone and everything every time I see you with your baby sister. You are my first baby and you will always be my sweet baby girl, no matter what you do, where you go, or how old you are.
I love you, Squnnie. All the way to the moon...and back.